
The Sportbodywork Method

Evolved from years of training in traditional and manual therapies, our therapy recognizes that each person is more than the total components of anatomy, physics, and chemistry.

Treating the whole person using a systemized approach of assessment, treatment and corrective exercises to reduce inflammation, pain, and rehab muscles will give you increased range of motion, strength, endurance, and improved function.

Combining multiple therapies such as Orthopedic and Deep Tissue allows us to locate and alleviate health challenges in the pertaining muscle groups and connective tissue systems.

Our orthopedic therapy treatment may include but is not limited to: Deep tissue, Strain CounterStrain, Soft Tissue Release, Taping, Blading, Scraping, and Cupping. With with proper education from us on targeted corrective exercises and correct form and posture your muscle and joint improvement will be magnified or will be corrected to an even greater degree.


In addition to in-office appointments, we now offer 15 minute private Zoom appointments.

To access this guidance call with a therapist you will have to be a member of our Pain Free Movement. If you would like to learn how to join click here. The calls are included in your in office treatment plan and as part of a benefit of being a member of our Pain Free Movement community.

*Sportbodywork therapists are licensed LMTs. We are not doctors. Please see your doctor for diagnosis and referrals to our office. Go to the hospital or call 911 if you are experiencing a medical emergency.


A Little Help (15 minutes)

Let's get started

In addition to in-office appointments, we now offer Zoom appointments.
A "Lotta Help" Zoom appointment is ideal for you if you are not on Maui. Use the contact form to inquire about a zoom appointment time.

A Lotta Help (40-50 Minutes $180)


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